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    • Clear All(Ctrl+E)
    • Save in my designs(Ctrl+S)
    • Save as file(Ctrl+Shift+S)
  • Designs

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    • Print

        Print design

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    • Help
      • Quick help

      • ctrl+a Select all objects
        ctrl+d Double the activate object
        ctrl+e Clear all objects
        ctrl+s Save current stage to my design
        ctrl+o Open a file to import design
        ctrl+p Print
        ctrl++ Zoom out
        ctrl+- Zoom in
        ctrl+0 Reset zoom
        ctrl+z Undo changes
        ctrl+shift+z Redo changes
        ctrl+shift+s Download current design
        delete Delete the activate object
        M ove the activate object to left
        M ove the activate object to top
        Move the activate object to right
        M ove the activate object to bottom
        shift+← Move the activate object to left 10px
        shift+↑ Move the activate object to top 10px
        shift+→ Move the activate object to right 10px
        shift+↓ Move the activate object to bottom 10px
      • Custom help content
      • Copyright © 2022 Conselis
        All Rights Reserved.

        Powered by Lumise version 2.0.2

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    • Design
    • Images
    • Text
    Click or put images here

      Click or drag to add text

      Bug report

      Please let us know if you find any bugs in this design tool or just give your opinion to improve the tool.

      Tips: if you want to send content with screenshots or videos, you can upload them toimgur.com or any disk service and post links here.

      • Start designing by adding objects from the left side
      • All selected objects are grouped | Grouping?
      • Group objectsGroup the position of selected objects
        • Fill options

          Save this color

        • Create QR code
        • Options
          • Automatically align the position of the active object with other objects
          • ON: Behoud alle huidige objecten en voeg de sjabloon toe aan<br> OFF: Wis alle objecten voordat u de sjabloon installeert
          • Replace the selected image object instead of creating a new one
        • Image replacement
        • Cropping
        • Mask
          • Select mask layer

        • Remove Background
          • Remove Background

          • Deep:

          • Mode:

        • Filters
          • Filters

            • Original
            • B&AMP;W
            • Satya
            • Doris
            • Sanna
            • Vintage
            • Gordon
            • Carl
            • Shaan
            • Tonny
            • Peter
            • Greg
            • Josh
            • Karen
            • Melissa
            • Salomon
            • Sophia
            • Adrian
            • Roxy
            • Singe
            • Borg
            • Ventura
            • Andy
            • Vivid
            • Purple
            • Thresh
            • Aqua
            • Edge wood
            • Aladin
            • Amber
            • Anne
            • Doug
            • Earl
            • Kevin
            • Polak
            • Stan

          • Brightness:

          • Saturation:

          • Contrast:

        • Clear filters
        • Then click and drag the mouse to start drawing. Ctrl+Z = undo, Ctrl+Shift+Z = redo
        • QRCodetext
        • Fill options
          • Fill options

            Save this color

            • Transparent:

            • Zone width:

            • Line color:

          • Grouping position
          • Arranging layers
          • Position
            • Object position

              Lock object position:

            • Center vertical
            • Top left
            • Middle
            • Top right
            • Center horizontally
            • Center left
            • Middle Middle
            • Center right
            • Press &left arrow;
            • Bottom left
            • Center bottom
            • Bottom right
          • Transforms
            • Rotate:

            • Skew X:

            • Schef Y:

            • Turn over X:
              Turn over Y:

              Free transformation by pressing SHIFT ⤡

          • Font family
          • Editing text
            • Editing text

            • Font size:

            • Font spacing

            • Line height

          • Text Effects
            • Text Effects

            • Beam

            • Spatiation

            • Curve

            • Height

            • Offset

            • Trident

          • Align text
          • Upper/lower case
          • Font weight bold
          • Text style italics
          • Text underlined

          Please select a product to start designing

          Scroll to zoom